Equanimity (Madhyastha)

Equanimity can be described in many ways. We discussed the different types of equanimity that one could exhibit and classified them into a few groups. At the top of this scale there is equanimity in everything, that is absolutely everything both from a worldly and spiritual point of view. Equanimity…

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Compassion (Karuna)

The questions discussed in the groups on the subject of compassion were; what forms of suffering are there; how we could alleviate this suffering and how does compassion for this suffering help us in our path to moksha. Some of the key words we found were: physical pain, mental and emotional…

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Appreciation (Pramod)

During some of the Belgium sightseeing we were asked to perform a little task. That was to observe our actions and those of others and note down any examples of the FACE qualities. These included asking for, and gratefully receiving directions; vehicles stopping to let our older companions cross the…

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Friendship (Maitri)

During this workshop, we explored what friendship means, the qualities one expects in a friend and how it could help us on our path to moksha. The key words and themes that came up in the group discussions were: comfort safety empathy unconditional love no expectations trust honesty openness like mindedness and…

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